Car and truck owners can afford to skip a routine inspection and maintenance of their vehicles since it might only lead to inconvenience, late deliveries or late arrivals. But one can’t adopt a similar laidback approach for vessels, boats and other water vehicles since it can lead to fatal outcomes.
Every boat owner needs to have regular and diligent inspections to ensure that his appliance can effectively bear the conditions for which it has been designed. For this important quality check, they can hire a qualified marine surveyor.
Fort Lauderdale is primarily known for its beaches and boating canals. Every other person in the city thus owns a vessel or wants to get one. However, it has been observed that not everyone is equally dutiful to maintain the well-being of his watercraft. Moreover, many people are not familiar with the process through which a boat can be surveyed for its performance. Here comes the expertise of Simex International Marine Surveyors. They hold an experience of more than four decades in conducting professional inspections of boats, vessels, tugboats, and many other watercrafts.
One thing that every vessel owner has in common is that they all absolutely love their boats and will go to the ends of the earth to protect them from damage. A boat is a member of the family. It entertains. It keeps people safe. It can provide a means to catch food, and a good tan to boot. Unfortunately, even the most experienced and cautious of yachtsmen can end up with their vessels being damaged. Generally, it’s through no fault of their own; however, the damage still occurred and needs to be addressed. The insurance company will have your marine insurance evaluation survey on file, so they will have something viable to compare to the new damages. They will require a damage evaluation report for your yacht. This must be performed by a certified marine surveyor. It’s also for your protection too. Simex Marine Surveyors offers complete marine services in South Florida.
The biggest mistake made by people taking them step to buy their first boats is that they do so at the spur of the moment. They enter in the transaction blindly and generally, it winds up biting them in the butt. Most novices have no clue what a marine surveyor does or how important they are to vessel owners and their financial well-beings. Getting a pre-purchase survey performed is like have a technician evaluate the condition of a vehicle before you fork over the cash. It protects you from making a bad deal that could cost you thousands and thousands of dollars in the long run. A marine survey can also give you some leverage when it comes to negotiating a fair price for the boat. Of course, the survey will also give you a head’s up as to how well the vessel was maintained and any potential issues you might be facing with it in the near future. The cost of the survey is well worth the peace of mind it will provide. Simex Marine Surveyors offers pre-purchase evaluation reports in Fort Lauderdale.
Every seasoned mariner knows that vessel insurance is required before the hull even touches the water. Unfortunately, all too many first-time boatowners are blindsided with this. Most assume that if it doesn’t drive on the roads, it doesn’t need insurance. Boats are no different than trucks, cars, and motorcycles when it comes to having an insurance policy. It’s even more shocking to novice owners that every insurance carrier requires an inspection before they will write a policy. This inspection cannot be performed by the mechanic at the local marine. It must be performed by a certified marine survey company or the insurance company will not accept the findings. The survey is quite detailed, and provides an in-depth report of the entire vessel, including all the systems. This report is then provided to the potential insurance company. Only after receiving the evaluation are they able to decide regarding coverage amounts and costs. The professional inspectors at Simex Marine Surveyors offer complete survey inspections for marine insurance carriers.
There are many requirements that an insurance company expects the Fort Lauderdale owner of a vessel to comply with, including a mandatory marine insurance survey. When you need marine consultants in Fort Lauderdale, it would be wise to contact the most widely sought after vessel insurance inspectors in the area, Simex International – Marine Surveyors in Fort Lauderdale.
"A customer is the most important visitor. He is not dependent on us. We are dependent on him. He is not an interruption of our work. He is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider to our business. He is part of it. We are not doing him a favor by serving him. He is doing us a favor by giving us the opportunity to do so. -- Mahatma Gandhi"