On both gasoline & diesel engines. Late model fuel injected engines must be fitted with a remote starter to bypass the fuel injection function. Engines must be drained of fuel. Spark plugs and injectors must be removed to give proper access.
Includes pictures as required and a written report.
Battery testing:
6 & 12 volt only. This provides you with an indication of their condition. This requires that all batteries to be tested be disconnected from the ship and each other.
Includes pictures as required and a written report.
Hull Moisture Content Analysis:
A non-destructive moisture meter determines moisture content in fiberglass lamination and wood. A moisture inspection is necessary prior to final lay-up after a blister repair.
If you suspect that cored hull and/or decks have high moisture content, a survey can be conducted for you. Requires good access to the exterior and interior of the accessible cored hull and/or deck structure. You will be aware that aside from increasing the all up weight of the vessel, water in cored areas can lead to delamination and loss of structural integrity.
Often high moisture content is found in decks near windows or fittings which penetrate the outer skin and around hull port holes etc. Flybridge soles are often found to contain surprising quantities of water.
This is a non-destructive test and includes pictures as required, a written and diagrammatic report.
Audio Gauge Surveys and Reports:
a) Dry docked:
This is particularly useful in testing plating thickness on metal structures. It may also be used on fiberglass. We are able to sound the entire under water hull, topsides, transoms etc. If deck plating is accessible (in chain lockers or lazarette) that too can be sounded. On an average 80 foot LOA vessel we would reckon on taking approximately 1000 soundings. On larger vessels, readings will run into thousands.
Other structures requiring sounding can be fuel and water tank tops and walls in coffer dams, exhaust expansion tanks, exhaust piping, masts, other spars and metal plumbing etc. The sounding head (approx. 10mm in diameter) is best on bare metal to give accurate readings. Trying to read through bottom paint, especially if it has a high metal content, or is pitted, can be done, but is not advised. The yard provides labor to grind selected areas to expose the bare metal. Cost is to your account.
b) In the water:
Insurance companies are becoming more accepting of in the water Hull Surveys. Plate Averaging is usually the method of choice. For larger yachts this brings great value in that the Survey can be conducted at the vessel’s berth, and with little effect on it’s daily dockside routine. Expensive haulout and displacement costs are also avoided. Due to reduced visibility underwater, it is a drawn out process.
Having building plans, plating schedules, plate expansion drawings, replating schedules and plating diagrams to consult is of great assistance.
These are non-destructive tests. A written and diagrammatic report is included for both types of Survey.
Crack & Fissure testing:
We carry gear that enables us to dye test for weld or plate failure.
Vapro NDT F.D. is an extremely sensitive fluorescent penetrant inspection method that reveals cracks and other surface discontinuities in virtually any non-porous material, ferrous or non-ferrous. It is a nondestructive test.
It is ideal for applications where portability (e.g. up mast) is required, and the vivid red color permits daylight inspection.
Full Electrical/Corrosion Survey & Report:
This is not a service we provide directly. However, we are in touch with Qualified Marine Electricians who have much experience with yachts and small commercial craft. If the vessel has issues with electrolysis or corrosion that you want to be investigated and/or cured, these can be addressed. Availability & charges are decided by the technician.